
After the end of the Second Terra Conflict in 1946, the U.S seemed to have been divided as to how they felt their local governments were managed. Though successful at deterring the Japanese threat of a west coast invasion with use of atomic bombs, many felt that local governments were not prepared to handle such situations, even with national military support. With the completion of a new election, a powerful and compelling U.S Senator, William Clarke, won presidency and sought to bring peace to this nation.

Under a shocking and nation-changing proclamation, he decreed that the United States would be formed into what he deemed “The United Regions of America”. Seeing as how though all Americans fight under one flag, many felt that they stuck together more with those who are in their local regions. As taken aback as it sounded, many Americans deemed this to be an accepting change. Though this resolution went back and forth between Senate and Supreme Court, in 1950, with a near bi-partisan support, House Resolution 659-50 was passed, declaring that the U.S would now become the United Regions.

From there, the regions of Cascadia, Dakota, Trailias, The Republic, Appalachia, New Gulf, Mauna Kilauea, Concordia, and Revolutionary were founded. Regional state militias, and subsequent air defense wings were reformed to regional statuses, but yet serve under active branches of the United Regions Army, Air Force, and Navy.

From there, things would seem to be relatively stable for the next few decades. As for AADP, the program continued in operation many years after its conception.

(C) Stormeagle Productions 2011-2022